Anuncian finalistas del “2017 INTERNATIONAL LATINO BOOK AWARDS”
Como parte de los 196 miembros
del gran Jurado he recibido la lista de los finalistas de 2017.
Felicidades a todos los ganadores
en cada una de las categorías.
Mery Larrinua
Miembro Jurado 2017 Int’l Latino Book Awards
Int'l Latino Book Award Finalists announced by Latino Literacy Now
This past Monday we
announced the 233 authors, publishers, translators, and designers that are
being honored in 91 different categories in this year's Int'l Latino Book
Awards. You can see more details below and The 2017 Awards Ceremony will be held
September 9th at California State University Dominguez Hills in Los Angeles
County as part of three days of activities Celebrating the 2017 Award Winning
Agradezco el nombramiento como Jurado de Int'l Latino Book Awards, concurso Internacional del Libro Latino, a toda la Junta Directiva, especialmente al Sr. Edward James Olmos y Kirl Whisler.
Mery Larrinua